As a coach with more then 18 years of experience I’ve been lucky to be able to successfully coach more then 1500 professionals
Career, Leadership/ Executive en Personal/Life
Burn-out Prevention, Career, Career coaching, Career Development, Career transition, Effective Communication, Executive Coaching, Leadership development, Outplacement, Personal Development, Reaching your potential en Work-Life Balance
My name is Masja, I am passionate about empowering professionals. I love to help my coachees to become who they truly are and be the most effective and happy version of themselves, guiding them in fulfilling their goals and finding their purpose. My clients are ambitious professionals who are just at a difficult spot in their life coping with stress and / or work issues. Looking for some guidance. I will be the guide who walks besides you until you find your balance and path again. My clients are also talented and experienced professionals exploring career options, professionals wanting to discover their personal strengths and untapped potential and experienced managers seeking to develop their leadership skills and take their leadership to the next and a deeper level. They come from all levels of experience and from small businesses to multinationals in a variety of industries. What they say about me: “down-to-earth, result-orientated, gives structure, committed, good listener, asking powerful questions, keeps a good balance between guiding, coaching and advising”.
I have a very practical, personal and goal focussed approach.
Dutch en English
100,- to 150,- Euro per hour, VAT exempt, Discount for private en Rates on request
NOBCO (The Dutch Association of Professional Coaches) en NOLOC (The Dutch Order of Career Counselors and Outplacement Consultants)